BossMan Gino : So there is a video with Quavo riding with JR…so you would speculate that they’re solid with one another. After that, they start shooting dice together, words get exchanged, Quavo attempts to deescalate by walking off but the opposition was set on what they planned on doing….Takeoff gets shot in the midst of it…..while on the ground lifeless JR walks pass like nothing is going on. He went from riding with Quavo to just walking right by him while he was tending to Takeoff. Why didn’t he stay & make sure things were good, why didn’t he show compassion for his “homie”? Etc. When someone you fuck with is lying there dead you’re not going to move the way Prince Jr did. Doesn’t make sense to me. Don’t be fooled by the obituary posting nor the memorial bc it’s all cap. Takeoff gone bc of some foolishness & it’s sad fr. This a tough loss fasho. Rest In Heaven Rocket Man